
Thursday, September 08, 2005

Got Jealous

Two hydrogen atoms bumped into each other recently.
One said: "Why do you look so sad?"
The other responded: "I lost an electron."
Concerned, One asked "Are you sure?"
The other replied "I'm positive."

Q. If a bear in Yosemite, and one in Alaska fall into water, which one would dissolve faster?
A. The bear in Alaska because it's polar.

A neutron walks into a bar, sits down and asks for a drink. Finishing, the neutron asks "How much?"
The bartender says, "For you, no charge."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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5:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A linguistic one again:
A teacher is explaining to her class how different languages use negatives differently. She says, "In all languages, a positive followed by a negative or a negative followed by a positive makes a negative. In some languages, two negatives together make a positive, while in others they make a negative. But in no language do two positives make a negative."
One of the students puts up his hand and says, "Yeah, right."

5:53 PM  

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